The CFPZA periodically hosts live webinars for our members.
Here, you can can view recordings of our past webinars and materials to learn about about various land use topics. While we offer Continuing Education credits to land use commissioners and board members in attending our in-person conference, we cannot offer credits to anyone who views recordings of our previous webinars.
Thank you once again to our wonderful speakers. We appreciate your time, knowledge and experience.
Have a question? Submit it to our forum.
Webinar recording from April 21, 2021
Topic: What Every Municipal Zoning Agency Should Know about the Pending Bills in the State Legislature that will Remove Local Control Over Zoning.
Speakers: State Representative Kimberly Fiorello and Francis Pickering, Executive Director of WestCOG
Host: Attorney Steven Byrne
Until now, zoning has been a local affair, with municipal land use agencies making the decisions that help shape their communities. Pending bills before the State Legislature aim to change this by imposing state control over local land use.
Webinar recording from July 29, 2020
Topic: Housing Patterns in Connecticut and to What Extent Have Local Zoning Decisions Fostered Segregation
Speaker: Dr. Don Poland, AICP
Moderator: Attorney Steven Byrne
How accurate is the claim that municipal zoning authority is responsible for a segregated Connecticut?
Please join us for a discussion on this topic as we explore the history of our State’s efforts to provide for affordable housing and how the current debate ignores other government policies that shape our housing environment.
Housing Patterns in Connecticut: to What Extent Have Local Zoning Decisions Fostered Segregation
Desegretage Connecticut's Agenda
Webinar recording from April 30, 2020
About the topic: Originally signed into law in 1990, the Affordable Housing Act C.G.S. Sec. 8-30g, was supposed to remedy an acute shortage of affordable housing in this state. Instead, it became a source of adversarial relationships and costly litigation, leaving the affordable housing problem largely unresolved. Our principle speaker will revisit this state law passed a generation ago and offer some actions that can be taken at the local level which can assist a town to increase affordable housing and become exempt from the regulatory burdens of 8-30g. A question and answer session will follow where the evening's topic will be discussed as well as what might be done to more effectively achieve the goal of C.G.S. Sec. 8-30g.